Scrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsScrolling Glitter Text Generator & Myspace Layouts

Visitor Map

You've been marked on my visitor map!

my elephant

my plant

message from me

Thank you from me

Monday, March 17, 2008

Arti LOGO!

LOGO adalah sebuah lambang yang mewakili citra sebuah perusahaan. LOGO adalah sebuah gambar yang menggambarkan indentitas sebuah perusahaan. Dengan melihat LOGO orang akan langsung ingat kepada nama perusahaanya dan juga mungkin nama produknya. LOGO biasanya setelah jangka waktu tertentu akan diganti agar tetap berjalan dengan cita cita perusahaan dari waktu ke waktu.

Rangkaian Tentang Organisasi

Organisasi adalah sekelempok orang yang bekerja atau kerjasama.
Mereka harus mengatur aktivitas dan mereka juga harus merancang keuangan.
Merekapun juga harus menghasilkan produk.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

My Rainbow

My Horsy

My Diary

Dear Diary, last friday I have to finish my digipot. Because on Monday our parents will come to see

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Reflection for E-book & MP3 book!

At UOI time me and my friends learn how to read an E-book which is an "Electronic book.
The E-book that we read about "The Famous Five." The diffrence between a book and an
E-book is, if we read an e-book our hands don't get tired because we don't need to open to the next page.

In UOI I we learned how to use an audio/mp3 book. I like that because I can download it onto my IPOD.

Reflection for English

In English i learnt about the story of "Famous Five on the treasure island." Our teacher asked us to read the Famous Five, then we had to chose 1 chapter for making a chapter summary. I chose chapter 13 ( down in the dungeon ). After we made the chapter summary we recorded it and made the picture. I was showing enthusism because I enjoyed this lesson.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My Reflection about "Say What"

Central idea: people use communication tools and systems to help express themselves in diffrent ways.

In this unit we learned about many things. For example I learnt about graph, E-book, and communication tools. but the most activity that i liked were:

Make a blog

In this UOI i learned about make a blogs. First we go to internet and then type the adress, after we go then we create tyhe blog, after that we type the adress for our blog, our paswword. This is step 1. Step 2, we check the paswword is right or not. Step 3, we chose the background for our blog. Step 4, we add our name but we don't have to add our adress, because if there's someone who wan't to do bad things to us they can go to our house.
I was curiosity because i wan't to no more about blogs and i wan't to have more things on my blog!

Read an E-comic

In UOI I learned about e-comic. We have to read an e-comic said our teacher. Our e-comic is about Scooby Doobydoo it was so fun cause I like the picture, and the story is very fun too. We have two stories. I was showing enthusiasm because i enjoyed the story and becuse i liked the picture too!